Jaqueline Majawala

Jaqueline Majawala

Finance & Human Resources Officer

Kuhluka Movement is a non-profit civil society mass organisation directed at combating the violation of rights of women. Founded on the principle of advocacy and mitigation, Kuhluka bridges the gap between giving a voice to women survivors through education and rehabilitation, whilst providing them with a safe haven in their time of need.


(011) 325 0501


Investment Place Office Park Block C 10th Road Hydepark 2196

Copyright © 2023 Kuhluka. All rights reserved.
Website by

Kuhluka Movement is a non-profit civil society mass organisation directed at combating the violation of rights of women. Founded on the principle of advocacy and mitigation, Kuhluka bridges the gap between giving a voice to women survivors through education and rehabilitation, whilst providing them with a safe haven in their time of need.


(011) 325 0501


Investment Place Office Park Block C 10th Road Hydepark 2196

Copyright © 2023 Kuhluka. All rights reserved.
Website by

Kuhluka Movement is a non-profit civil society mass organisation directed at combating the violation of rights of women. Founded on the principle of advocacy and mitigation, Kuhluka bridges the gap between giving a voice to women survivors through education and rehabilitation, whilst providing them with a safe haven in their time of need.


(011) 325 0501


Investment Place Office Park Block C 10th Road Hydepark 2196

Copyright © 2023 Kuhluka. All rights reserved.
Website by